Housing Advocacy & Awareness:

“Yes In My Backyard”

Community support of proposed affordable housing development is one of the most crucial factors in ensuring that communities have housing options that are affordable at every income level.

NIMBYism, or “not in my backyard” opposition threatens to reduce the impact of affordable housing development or derail projects from happening.

Learn how to be an effective housing advocate in the Lamoille Valley and Vermont!



Community housing issues are discussed at Selectboard, planning and zoning, and development meetings.

Saying “yes in my backyard” at these meetings and in pre-written letters impact an affordable housing project’s future.

Know when and where your voice is needed, get housing advocacy calls to action from United Way of Lamoille County.

Housing advocacy calls to action to expect include:

  • Contacting town municipal administrators and Selectboards in your community to support proposed affordable housing development.

  • Attending Selectboard, planning commission, and development review board meetings to support inclusive zoning in your community that promotes affordable or alternative housing development.

  • Letters to the editor of local and statewide news publications.

COUNTY ACTION: Contact Your Legislators

Statewide housing issues and policies are discussed in the Vermont Legislature in Montpelier.

Telling your legislators that affordable housing is important to you can impact housing issues and policies that affect Lamoille County and Hardwick, and the rest of the state.

Contact your representatives and senators, find their names and contact information on the State of Vermont Legislature website.

STATE ACTION: Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition

The Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition (VAHC) is a member driven organization that works to “increase access to safe, decent, affordable housing in Vermont.”

Through education, advocacy and outreach at local, state, and federal levels, VAHC members’ advocacy effectively ensures that more Vermont residents have access to safe, decent, affordable housing.

STATE ACTION: Contact Your Congressional Delegation

Nationwide housing issues and policies are discussed at the congressional level in Washington, DC.

Telling your congressional representatives that affordable housing is important to you can impact housing issues and policies that affect your town and others nationwide.

Contact your congressional representatives, find their names and contact information on the United States Congressional website.